ISN Preschool Ueda
Milk Carton Canines (August 15–19)

Now that Obon finished on Tuesday, Comet Class is back in full swing and having a good time.
We started the shortened week off with a UOI discussion on how to take care of animals. We also made our very own pet dogs out of milk cartons as an exciting craft project.
短い一週間の始まりは、動物の世話の仕方についての UOI ディスカッションからでした。またクラフトプロジェクトとして、牛乳パックを使って自分たちのペットの犬を作りました。

On Thursday, we went to a local Sozokan to check out some fish tanks and walk around the neighboring park.

To end the week, we played outside in the water and practiced writing the capital “L.”
週の最後には、外で水遊びをし、大文字の “L “を書く練習をしました。