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TOP 園だより Beetles Surprise (July 11–15)

ISN Preschool Ueda

Beetles Surprise (July 11–15)

Beetles Surprise (July 11–15)

Comet Class started off the week when one of the students showed up with a big surprise: a box full of beetles! These little critters have been the perfect addition to our classroom as we learn about taking care of living things in our animal-themed UOI lessons.


In the UOI lessons this week, we focused on our LOI 1 about Types of Animals. Specifically, we shined the spotlight on farm animals. Comet Class absolutely loves this topic!

今週のUOIレッスンでは、LOI 1の”動物の種類”に焦点を当てました。特に、農場の動物にスポットライトを当てました。コメットクラスのみんなはこのトピックがとても好きです!

In music class, we played with fish props and practiced our “Do, Re, Mi’s”.


The letter of the week was “I”.


We went to catch frogs, chase crickets, and relax in the cool breeze at Zukudase Farm.


We were also very happy to celebrate another birthday!


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Here’s some more photos of our other adventures from this week.
