ISN Preschool Ueda
Tanabata Time (July 4–8)

This was quite the eventful week for Comet Class!

We started the week off with a cheerful farewell to one of our students moving overseas. We will certainly miss him, but we are also very excited for his new journey.

This week, we started UOI 2, “Sharing the Planet” where we will focus on the wonderful world of animals for the next 3 months. As an assessment to determine what the students already know, Comet Class played with different animal cut-outs and different habitats to see if the children knew where each animal went and what the animals’ names were. Our goal for this unit is to help the students become familiar with the ways humans and animals interact and further discover ways we can treat animals with kindness.
今週からUOI 2 “Sharing the Planet “が始まり、これから3ヶ月間、動物の素晴らしい世界に焦点を当てます。Comet Classでは、子どもたちがすでに何を知っているかを知るためのアセスメントとして、様々な動物の切り抜きや生息地を使って遊び、それぞれの動物がどこの生息地にいるのか、どんな名前なのかを知っているかどうかを確認しました。このユニットの目標は、子どもたちが人間と動物の関わり方に親しみ、さらに私たちが動物に優しく接する方法を発見することです。

In line with the UOI, we visited Horiuchi Farm in Aoki where we touched and fed the animals. The kids had a blast!

Comet class has become quite comfortable in the water. It’s always fun to see them splashing around with excitement.

Midweek, we once again met at the gym to practice some new exercises with our gym teacher.

Comet class enjoyed an aptly-themed music lesson to help us get in the Tanabata spirit.

On July 7th, the teachers performed a traditional Tanabata song using handbells and a handpan.

“H” was the focus for this week’s writing lessons.
今週のライティングレッスンでは、”H “に焦点を当てました。

Due to the heat, we spent a lot more time playing with water in the front yard.