ISN Preschool Ueda
Summer’s Here! (June 20–24)

Last week, we wrapped up the final lesson for LOI3, “My School Community” by playing games to see if students could successfully name all ISN staff members and then match the staff member’s photo with their various roles inside the school. As expected, Comet Class performed exceptionally well!
先週は、LOI3の最終レッスン”My School Community(私のスクールコミュニティ)”の締めくくりとして、プレスクール上田のスタッフ全員の名前を挙げ、スタッフの写真とスクール内での様々な役割を一致させることができるかどうか、ゲームを行いました。子どもたちは期待通り、素晴らしい結果を残しました!

As scheduled, we also took another dip into the pool where Comet Class practiced getting used to being in the water.

In music class, our music instructor prepared rain and rainbow-themed props to aid Comet Class in developing our musical skills.

Later, our gym instructor helped us improve our coordination and balance by teaching us how to walk like a bear, jump like a frog, and then navigate several obstacle courses.

We ended the week on a good note by practicing writing capital G and playing at Comet Class’s favorite park.