ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Three Little Pigs (February 26-March 1)

This week, we celebrated our February and March Birthdays with a retelling of the story of “The Three Little Pigs.” We hope our skit made the children smile!
今週は、2月と3月の誕生日を祝うために、”3匹のこぶた “の物語を再演しました。私たちの寸劇が子どもたちを笑顔にしてくれたことを願っています!

The week, we had several Hinamatsuri happenings and activities! We had a Hinamatsuri-themed music class, our teacher prepared a wonderful Hinamatsuri PowerPoint presentation to teach us about the holiday, and we ate hinaarare. Even at lunch time on Friday, we had delicious chirashizushi, too! Yum!

This week, we also practiced writing the letter W and learned a new “Y” song!

We, teachers, had a very busy first day of the week since we had a skit “The Three Little Pigs” to perform for the children’s birthday celebration. The children loved it.

In our English lessons , the children tried to read and write 4 sentences with the phonics words they had learned. They did well in reading and fair in writing. Further, the words left, right and where is it??? (asking directions) were taught to the children. At first they found it really confusing but having practice activities, they began understanding the lesson.
英語のレッスンでは、子どもたちは習ったフォニックスの単語を使って4つの文を読み、書くことに挑戦した。読むのは上手にできたが、書くのはまずまずだった。さらに、left, right, where is it? (方向を尋ねる言葉)を子どもたちに教えた。初めはとても混乱していた子どもたちだったが、練習を重ねるうちに理解できるようになった。

Finally, we enjoyed touring around “Matsubaya” for our field trip in connection with IB. The teachers were all fascinated ( especially I) by the sophisticated artistry of making the dolls.

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