ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Hinamatsuri Pint-sized Parade (February 19-23)

In order to prepare for Hinamatsuri which will be coming soon, the kids dressed up like cute princesses and princes and we also made a special craft to decorate our classrooms with.

We focused on learning a new letter “X” song.
We practiced using the phrases, “What’s your favorite?” and “Do you like…?” this week using the Yoshi puppet! The kids get really excited to try English phrases when Yoshi comes to school.
今週は “What’s your favorite? “と “Do you like…? “のフレーズをヨッシーの人形を使って練習しました!ヨッシーが学校に来ると、子どもたちは英語のフレーズに挑戦するのをとても楽しみにしています。

On the first day of this week, we were lucky because a visitor from India joined our class in circle time. So when we were about to discuss IB, I asked her to tell us about the event “Diwali” to us. And she did. She also told us that it is the most celebrated event in their country, India.

We also had our children’s pictures taken for “hinamatsuri” and they did some paper artwork for it as well. As they finished, we proudly displayed their photos in our classroom. When the children saw them displayed for the first time, they happily talked to each other and gazed at them.

Since the gym class teacher was absent last Wednesday, we had a fun time playing the “fruit basket” game. The children chose what kind of fruits and vegetables to be used in the game. Further, the children also picked one of the four songs that they want to sing during the graduation day. We settled on the song called, “Believe.” Please practice to singing it with your child at home.
先週の水曜日は体育の先生がお休みだったので、「フルーツバスケット」のゲームを楽しみました。子どもたちはゲームに使う果物や野菜を選びました。さらに、子どもたちは卒業式の日に歌いたい歌を4曲の中から1曲選んだ。私たちは “Believe “という歌に決めました。ご家庭でもお子さんと一緒に練習してみてください。
Finally, there was always a thought in the back of my mind that it would be hard for the children to understand the similarities and differences regarding the events around the world but after a thorough discussion and asked them questions about it I was amazed that some of them answered me correctly. Wonderful!!!