ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Valentine’s Week (February 13-16)

Valentine’s Day Baumkuchen
On St. Valentine’s Day, Comet and Rocket had a food preparation activity where the kids got to cut cake and coat it in chocolate and various toppings. And to show our families how much we love them, everyone brought the treats home to enjoy with their families. Did your child remember to say “I love you!” when giving their treats?

Our word of the week was the letter “W”. To get used to the shape, we practiced using medicine droppers to pick up colored water to cover the shape of a W, and then we learned a new “W” song!

In the spirit of our UOI lessons on vehicles, one of our students brought in a few picture books for us to enjoy. The kids loved them so much and even talked about the plot of one of the books the next day!

It was a great timing that we read that story about a fire engine, because the kids referred to it again when we went to Maruko to see some of the old fire engines. We wish you could see the happiness on the kids’ faces as they climbed on the fire trucks, sounded the sirens, and rang the bells! Everyone had a great time!

During circle time on Tuesday morning, I asked the children “What did you do yesterday?” Some children answered (with a little help from me), “I went skiing,” “I studied,” “I went to Gyu Kaku with Mom, Dad,” “My friends came to my house,” and “I stayed home.”
火曜日の朝のサークルタイムで、私は子どもたちに “昨日は何をした?”と尋ねた。スキーに行った」「勉強した」「パパとママと牛角に行った」「友達が家に来た」「家にいた」と答えた子どもたちがいた。
We also carried on studying the ”-u” sounds in phonics.
In IB this week, after showing their homework and talked about their mini goals this year, we “traveled” to USA, China and India. Meaning to say that these countries’ most important celebrations such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, New Year’s Day and Diwali were discussed and shown to the class, respectively.
By the way, we want to give a big thank you to one of our lovely students for the Valentine message and stickers she gave us.

We were also glad that we got the chance to have a refreshing, long walk outside the school on sunny Friday morning.

Here’s some other photos from the week: