ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Winter Wonderland (February 5–9)

We had quite the snow storm this week, didn’t we? Driving on icy roads can be a little scary, but it looks so beautiful, doesn’t it? Comet Class had plenty of snow play this week and really enjoyed it! Sadly, most of the snow was melted by Friday.

“V” was the letter of the week. The kids were challenged to create the letter V using toys, clay, or arms/hands to create a unique letter V. We also tried writing the letter “V” toward the end of the week.

As part of our UOI lesson on vehicles, Comet Class showed some wonderful creativity and cooperation as they worked together to design a road system using large and long toy blocks. The roads even went to a police station, fire station, and even the kids’ own houses that they made out of origami and milk cartons! Everyone had so much fun and they didn’t want to stop playing when lunch time came!

There’s been a couple of songs we have started to sing a lot. Please enjoy listening to these songs at home if you get the chance!:
We also would like to say thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy work schedule to come to our open school event! We hope you had an enjoyable experience.
Due to the heavy snowstorm on Monday, the school was surrounded by deep layers of snow on Tuesday morning. Therefore, to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, the children played and had fun sledding in the snow. After this, Rocket Class went to their music class.

On the School Open Days (参観日), the children did a great job presenting their “About Me” projects. Almost every child spoke in front of the class confidently. As well as, they answered the quiz and did the drills correctly. We are so proud of them. Plus, seeing their faces light up while they sat beside their parent(s) was a wonderful sight to see.

Again and most importantly, we want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the parents for coming and sharing your valuable time to our class.