ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Setsubun (January 29–February 2)

Setsubun Celebration
For Setsubun, Rocket and Comet were joined by the Sun, Moon, and Star kids to celebrate Setsubun. Many teachers did a lot of preparation to make such a fun event! We had a fun story time explaining what Setsubun is, and then we had a paper puppet show about how Oni are afraid of beans. It was then that we were attacked by a big, scary oni! Despite his frightening appearance, Rocket Class and Comet Class joined forces to defeat him and scare him away. When he escaped in fear, we were visited by the Goddess of Happiness, which put our worries at ease as she threw confetti “flower petals” around the room. We ended the event by each eating beans according to our age! What a fun day!
節分には、RocketとCometに加え、Sun、Moon、Starの子供たちも一緒に節分をお祝いしました。このような楽しい行事にするために、多くの先生たちがたくさんの準備をしてくれました!節分とは何かを楽しく説明した後、鬼は豆を怖がるという紙芝居をしました。その時、大きくて怖い鬼に襲われた!RocketとCometが力を合わせて鬼を退治し、鬼を追い払いました。 恐る恐る逃げ出すと、幸せの女神が現れ、紙吹雪の花びらを部屋中に投げつけてくれた。最後は、それぞれの年齢に合わせて豆を食べました!楽しい一日でした!

February Birthdays Party
At the beginning of the week, we celebrated our combined February Birthdays with Sun, Moon, and Star classes. The nursery teachers also treated us to a beautiful handbell performance! Happy Birthday, everyone!

Swim class was a blast! Their progress is so easy to see.

One day, we played “Pachelbel’s Canon” on the CD player after naptime, and some of the kids started trying to ballroom dance to it! Super cute, eh?

Here’s some other pictures from the week.

Rocket Class
The introduction of the new sounds -ub, -ug, -ut, -un and -ud was the major English lesson we discussed this week.
In music class, the kids had fun running, dancing and leaping around while various sounds were played in the background. And in the last part of the lesson, our music teacher familiarized us to the sounds of notes “do, re, mi, fa, so“ while also teaching them where to find their placement on the pianica.

By Wednesday, all of us in Rocket class was so delighted to see the finished product of their “Setsubun masks” that they have been working hard on. The masks were fabulous and they were so proud to show them off!

And finally, we spent time learning how America and China celebrate during the New Year.

Other photos