ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Cold Weather, Warm Smiles (January 22–26)

For the letter T, we made that alphabet letter out of tissue paper and then tried shaping our bodies like the letter T. The kids all excitedly raised their hands in the air when I asked for volunteers!
Tの文字では、ティッシュペーパーでアルファベットのTを作り、私たちは自分の体をTの文字のように形作ってみました! 私がボランティアを募ると、子供たちはみんな興奮して手を挙げました!

We learned about the letter “U” this week and had a fun time doing it! Not only did we learn our new “U” song, but we also practiced becoming familiar with the shape by painting “U-turns” using toy cars. Everyone loved this really hands-on activity!
今週は “U “の文字について学び、楽しい時間を過ごしました!新しい “U “の歌を覚えただけでなく、おもちゃの車を使って “Uターン “の絵を描き、その形に慣れる練習もしました。みんな、この体験的なアクティビティが大好きだったそうです!

To take advantage of the rare snowfall we have in Ueda, we made sure to prioritize some snowplay time! The kids had a lot of fun sledding down the hill behind the school.

For our UOI lessons, we’ve been playing with the street signs we made last week. We also watched some videos about garbage trucks in America and a lot of the kids were amazing at the robotic arms and other cool technology on those vehicles.

Check out these other photos from last week:

As a friendly reminder, you can find most of the songs we sing through out the year in the following weblink. 🙂
一応お知らせしておくと、私たちが一年を通して歌っている曲のほとんどは、次のウェブリンクで紹介している。 :)
This week in our classroom, while they were learning new adjectives (e.g., awesome, fun, boring, exciting, amazing, etc.) we reviewed the English phrases they have learned from last week. Further, for them to get used to speaking in front of the class, we ask them to stand in front and tell us something about themselves.
This was the last week for learning LOI1 about Japanese festivals and celebrations. We played a matching activity where we matched the months of the year to their respective events, and we also watched a video and learned about shichigosan.
Our kids were thrilled to get a chance of playing with the snow outside. Plus, moving their bodies in a variety of physical activities in gym class was wonderful to see.

And lastly, on Friday morning, they had a refreshing stroll with Comet Class in the nearby neighborhood.