ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
ISN Preschool Ueda Demonstrates Community Spirit through Donation to Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund

ISN Preschool Ueda Demonstrates Community Spirit through Donation to Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund
Ueda City, January 22, 2024 – Mr. Go Hirano, the principal of the ISN Preschool Ueda (ISN), met with Ueda City Mayor Yoichi Tsuchiya to deliver a generous donation of 43,381 yen to support the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund.
This act of benevolence originated from a heartwarming initiative on January 12, 2024, when Mr. Keisuke Narusawa visited ISN to engage the children in the traditional Japanese activity of pounding mochi (mochitsuki). Mr. Narusawa provided the essential equipment, including wooden hammers (kine) and basins (usu), as well as the rice used in the mochi-making process.
In a remarkable display of community spirit, Mr. Narusawa declined compensation for the rice and instead proposed that the school channel its resources towards a fundraiser for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund. Touched by this suggestion, ISN rallied parents and staff to contribute to this meaningful cause.
The response was overwhelming, with ISN successfully raising a total of 43,381 yen. This donation reflects the compassion and generosity of the school community, contributing to the ongoing recovery efforts in the Noto Peninsula following the earthquake.
ISN expresses sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in this initiative, embodying the school’s commitment to fostering a sense of global citizenship and community responsibility.
上田市、2024年1月22日 – ISNプレスクール上田の園長、平野剛氏は上田市の土屋陽一市長と面談し、能登半島地震義援金へ43,381円を寄付しました。
この活動は、2024年1月12日に 成澤啓輔氏(上田市中丸子)が、当園を訪れ、子供たちに伝統的な道具を使ってもちつきの機会を提供したことに端を発します。成澤氏は、木製の杵(きね)や臼(うす)など、もちつきに必要な全ての道具を持参してくださり、使用したお米も提供してくださいました。
社会への貢献とのことで、成澤氏はお米の代金の受け取りを辞退し、代わりに ISNプレスクール上田に対して能登半島地震義援金への募金活動を提案しました。この提案に賛同し、当園は保護者やスタッフ、他のキャンパズに呼びかけ、その結果、43,381円の寄付が集まりました。