ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Signs and Snowplows (January 15–19)

Comet Class
Continuing our UOI lesson about vehicles, we’ve tried this week to pay attention to signs on the road when we go on walks or ride the bus. The kids have started to even shout excitedly when they see a “P” for Parking sign. Therefore, we decided to make signs on our own. Everyone chose a sign and crafted it themselves and we will display them in the hallways later.
乗り物についてのUOIレッスンの続きで、今週は散歩やバスに乗るときに道路にある標識に注意を払うようにした。子供たちは、パーキングの “P “の標識を見つけると、興奮して叫ぶようになった。そこで、自分たちで標識を作ることにした。後で廊下に飾る予定だ。

Also, earlier in the week, we got a really nice snowfall on our schoolyard, so we had a lesson about the vehicle called “snowplows” that are found in Mr. Jon’s hometown and watched a short video showing how they push the snow. The kids thought they were so cool! So we chose from a new set of vehicle toys to pretend to be a snow plows pushing the snow to clear the way.

We started a new letter of the week, “T”, but we will learn more about it in detail next week. For now, here’s the song we’ve been working on:
今週の新しい文字、”T “が始まりましたが、それについては来週詳しく学びましょう。とりあえず、これが私たちが取り組んできた曲です:
We also had our first swim of 2024! The kids are becoming quite the swimmers!

Here’s a couple more photos from through out the week.

Rocket Class
We started off this week by presenting and displaying the children’s IB assignments. Everyone was eager to see their friends work and learn about their favorite events.
To encourage them to communicate and express more, we asked each child questions regarding their chosen events. We also delved deeper about the origins of “Hinamatsuri,” “Kodomo no Hi,” and “Setsubun” by reading a book and watching relevant clips on YouTube.
Since we are all immersed with what we were learning, we ended the week with cuteness overload by having them wear an outfit or costume of one of the cultural events they like.

Plus, for our craft activity, Rocket Class enjoyed stamping red paint on paper, pasting and drawing in order to design and make a one-of-a-kind “Daruma.”
さらに、工作のアクティビティでは、ロケット・クラスが紙に赤い絵の具をスタンプしたり、貼ったり、描いたりして、世界にひとつだけの “だるま “をデザインして作った。

Finally, for our English lessons, we studied and did an exercise for phonics “-og, -ot, -ob.” Plus, we continued to learn the past tense question, “What did you do yesterday?” and the phrase, “I went to _____ with ____.”
最後に英語のレッスンでは、フォニックスの”-og, -ot, -ob “を勉強し、練習をした。さらに、”What did you do yesterday?” という過去形の質問と、”I went to _____ with _____” というフレーズを引き続き学んだ。

Rocket Class are becoming better and faster learners each day. Keep it going, kiddos!