ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Christmas Show Time! (December 11–15)

The Christmas Show this year was attended by so many family members and we were very grateful for everyone’s support.
We had a pretty packed program with lots to see, and in this blog post, we will describe everything that happened. Unfortunately, teachers didn’t take many photos because we were so busy helping the kids, so we will use photos taken from rehearsals.
First, Comet and Rocket Classes sang “Jingle Bells” as an opening number, and the parents sang “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” together with us.
まず、コメット組とロケット組がオープニングナンバーとして「ジングルベル」を歌い、保護者も一緒に「We Wish You A Merry Christmas」を歌った。

Next, Comet Class performed “Up on the Housetop” using instruments personally chosen by each child.
続いて、コメット・クラスは、子供たちが自分で選んだ楽器を使って「Up on the Housetop」を演奏した。

Rocket next took the stage and performed “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the melodica.

Comet Classes’s hardwork really shined as they performed “The Enormous Turnip,” a small, cute little musical about how a farmer, his wife, a dog, a cat, and a mouse work together to pull a huge turnip out of the ground.
コメットクラスは、農夫とその妻、犬、猫、ネズミが力を合わせて巨大なカブを地面から引き抜く様子を描いた、小さくてかわいいミュージカル『The Enormous Turnip』を上演し、その努力の成果を存分に発揮した。

Rocket Class followed up with a performance called “The Gingerbreads” where some quick-footed gingerbread kids seek rescue as they are pursued by a hungry little girl, teddy bear, snowman, and Christmas tree. Luckily, Santa saved the day just in time!

The kids weren’t the only ones to perform. Even the teachers performed an interactive skit for the audience! We hope the kids really enjoyed our performance!

Finally, the grand Santa Claus surprised us with a visit and someone presents. It was so kind of him to visit our Christmas show! (We are especially grateful for the parents whose generous donations helped us buy more books for the school, too!)