ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Three Reindeer and a Troll (Nov. 27–Dec. 1)

We celebrated our November birthdays with a special, funny skit by our teachers. We retold the traditional Western fairytale of the “Three Billy Goats Gruff,” but replaced the original goat characters with reindeer instead. Fortunately, all of the goats were able to defeat the troll and safely cross the bridge just like in the original story! We hope our birthday boys had a fun time watching it!
私たちは11月の誕生日を、先生たちによる特別で面白い寸劇で祝った。伝統的な西洋の童話「3びきのやぎのグルー」を再演したのですが、元のやぎの登場人物をトナカイに置き換えました。幸いなことに、トナカイたちは全員トロールを倒し、原作と同じように無事に橋を渡ることができました! 誕生日の男の子たちは、この映画を見て楽しんでくれたことだろう!

We did a lot of Christmas Show practice this week. There’s a lot to prepare, and we’ll try to be ready in time!

We are especially grateful that one of our parents gave us a really fun slide to play with outside! Thank you!

Rocket Class
Rocket class did well this week in our English lessons. We finished doing exercises focusing on sight words 4 and we learned and how to answer the questions: “Where is she/he?,” “Where are you?,” “What is she/he doing,” and “What are you doing?”.
今週のロケットクラスは英語の授業がよくできました。視単語4に焦点を当てた練習を終え、質問に答える方法を学びました: “Where is she/he?”、”Where are you?”、”What is she/he doing?”、”What are you doing? “という質問の答え方を学びました。

Further, the children were very pleased with the “Christmas hat” they made in our craft activity which will be used for the Christmas show.

Needless to say, they continue practicing each day for the Christmas play they have to perform on Dec. 15th.