ISN Preschool Ueda
“F” is for Friends (June 13–17)

Between learning how to write capital “E” and “F” letters, practicing identifying colors, reviewing months of the year, and many other things, Comet Class simultaneously strengthened and nurtured their friendships with each other this week as we played games and sang songs.
先週は大文字の “E “と “F “の書き方を習ったり、色の識別の練習をしたり、1年の月(1月から12月まで)を復習したりと、いろいろなことをしながら、ゲームや歌を通して、コメットクラスはクラスメイトとの友情を育み、深めてきました。

The day after we jumped around like little frogs in our Tuesday music class, Comet Class did not shy away from several challenging obstacle courses in our weekly gym class. On Friday, we boarded the bus and visited a gymnasium where we played a combination of teamwork and freestyle games.

For UOI 1, LOI 3 “Our School Community,” we learned together the importance of classroom rules through role plays and classroom discussion. The lessons were light-hearted and filled with laughter as the students committed to do their best to keep the rules.
UOI 1, LOI 3 “私のスクールコミュニティ(Our School Community) “では、ロールプレイやクラスでのディスカッションを通して、クラスのルールの大切さを一緒に学びました。子どもたちは、ルールを守るためにベストを尽くすことを約束し、笑いに包まれた楽しい授業となりました。

By a happy and uncoordinated coincidence, the students showed up to school wearing all colors of the rainbow. We couldn’t resist lining up on the ground in rainbow color order and taking a photo to commemorate the occasion.