ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Fall Friends (October 30–November 3)

We celebrated our October birthdays this week with a special performance by the Nursery school teachers, which happened to be the same story as what Comet Class is doing for their Christmas show. Happy Birthday to Rocket and Comet’s birthday boys last month!

Comet Class
Speaking of our Christmas show, we will be performing the play called “The Enormous Turnip” on December 15th, and we have been practicing really hard. The children each chose their roles and we are working on rehearsing the speaking parts and dances. Most of our English practice is focusing on helping them get ready for the play, which will take a lot of preparation moving forward. If you have time to practice with your child at home, please visit our blog post which lists the roles, speaking parts, and dances.
クリスマスショーといえば、12月15日に上演される “The Enormous Turnip “という劇。子どもたちはそれぞれ役を決め、スピーキングやダンスのリハーサルに取り組んでいます。英語の練習のほとんどは、劇の準備をすることに集中しています。もしご家庭でお子さんと一緒に練習する時間があれば、役柄、スピーキングパート、ダンスを掲載したブログ記事をご覧ください。

Origami is a great way for children to improve their fine motor skills, so we thought we’d let them design their own origami Christmas Tree with that in mind. (Did you know that it isn’t out of the ordinary for Americans to start putting up their Christmas Tree the day after Halloween?) The project turned out well, don’t you think?
折り紙は子どもたちの運動能力を向上させるのに最適な方法なので、それを念頭に置いて、折り紙でクリスマスツリーをデザインさせようと考えた。(アメリカ人はハロウィーンの翌日からクリスマス・ツリーを飾り始めるのが普通だと知っていましたか?) うまくできたと思わない?

Rocket Class
To celebrate the beautiful leaves outside, we made a fun fall craft. We should enjoy the beautiful scenery while it lasts!

We started practicing for the Christmas show in our music class. The kids are getting better and better!

Here’s some photos from our gym class. Everyone had a fun time!

Here are some more pictures from last week.