ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Halloween Party (October 23–27)

The Halloween Party we celebrated on Friday was the big event of the week and it was so fun to see everyones’ costumes. This year’s games included a bowling game, wani wani paniku, ring toss, body art, and and additional games that were different from last year. Thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you and your family had a lot of fun!

Many of the kids have started showing interest in learning how to write their own names, so we made a laminated sheet of each of their names so they could practice often! We will continue using those sheets moving forward. We also practiced a letter recognition activity as well.

We also sent off one of our temporary friends with happy memories as she went back home to Singapore. We wish her the best of luck on her journey home.

On Tuesday, we dressed up in the Halloween colors of Black and Orange. Unfortunately, Mr. Jon forgot to take a good group photo! But thanks to everyone who participated!

Rocket Class embarked on a grand adventure to Bessho Onsen where we boarded a train, soaked our feet in a hot spring, and then visited the Kitamuki Kannon Temple. The weather was so nice and we all had a great time!

In Rocket Class one morning, Mr. Jon taught everyone how to make a spooky forest using sticks and crafting eyes. We were very happy to see each child cooperate so nicely with their partner.
ある朝のロケット・クラスでは、Mr. ジョンが棒と工作の目を使って不気味な森を作る方法をみんなに教えてくれた。子どもたち一人ひとりが、パートナーとうまく協力し合っているのを見て、私たちはとても嬉しかった。