ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Joyful Jack-o-Lanterns (October 9–13)

Rocket and Comet
As a treat on Friday, Mr. Jon taught about jack-o-lanterns and he showed a video on how to carve them. We then made our own jack-o-lanterns out of cardboard boxes. After painting the pumpkins, Rocket Class kids drew on the pumpkin faces for Mr. Jon to cut out.

This week on Tuesday, Rocket and Comet class had Hat Day. Everyone looked so cute! October 17th, Tuesday, will be Animal Day so please wear something with an animal on it!
ロケットとコメットクラスは帽子の日でした。みんなとてもかわいかった!10月17日(火)は動物の日です。 動物が描かれたものを身に着けてください。

In Comet, we focused on the letter “M” this week, sang a song about the letter “M” and then played an alphabet review game.
コメットでは今週、アルファベットの “M “に焦点を当て、”M “に関する歌を歌った後、アルファベットの復習ゲームを行った。

Our Comet Class phrase song for the month of October is the “Watch Out!” song. If you play this song at home, your child will definitely sing along because they love it a lot!
10月のコメットクラスのフレーズソングは「Watch Out! ご家庭でこの歌を聞かせれば、お子さんも大喜びで一緒に歌ってくれること間違いなしです!
This week, Rocket focused on CVC words using “AT,” as well as practiced sight words using this fun song:
今週、ロケットは “AT “を使ってCVC単語に焦点を当て、この楽しい歌を使ってサイト・ワードの練習をした:
Rocket has also been practicing this phrase song using “Can I…?”. Please practice making requests using “Can I…”, “Sure, you can!”, and “No, you can’t” at home! We’ll be practicing this song through the next week, too.
ロケットも “Can I…? “を使ってこのフレーズの歌を練習しています。お家でも “Can I…”、”Sure, you can!”、”No, you can’t “を使ってリクエストする練習をしてください!来週もこの歌を練習します。
In addition to our language lesson songs, Rocket also had fun practicing counting 1 to 100.
Here are some more pictures from the week.