ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Sports Festival (September 22)

After all of our hard work, we finally got to show our parents what we’ve been practicing at our Sports Festival! Every child tried their best to perform well in front of their families.

The event started out with a warm-up dance by both Rocket and Comet. Next, we did a one-on-one foot race where Comet Class ran one lap, and Rocket Class ran two laps.
After an intermission, Comet Class performed two dances dressed as Monkeys: “Baby Monkey” and “Jungle Boogie Dance“. Next, Rocket Class put on some bird outfits and amazed everyone with a dance to the song called Tsubame (here are the dance moves).
休憩の後、コメット・クラスは猿に扮して2つのダンスを披露した: 「Baby Monkey」と「Jungle Boogie Dance」だ。続いて、ロケット組が鳥の衣装を着て、「つばめ」という曲に合わせてダンスを披露し、みんなを驚かせた(ダンスはこちらです)。

Following the dances, we played both the throwing ball game (玉入れ). Next, we did tug-o-war (綱引き) with parent participation. It was very fun!

We are very thankful for the parents that came to support their children!