ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Love Notes (September 11–18)

As part of our UOI lesson about taking care of animals, we had a brief lesson in the classroom about it and then were treated to a wonderful surprise: the parents of one of our class members brought 3 well-behaved dogs to show everyone. Everyone had so much fun! I couldn’t tell who was happier, the children or the dogs! We are so thankful to have such cute visitors and we are always grateful for the support of our class parents.

This week, we went to the post office to send some mail to our beloved grandparents! The children had fun reaching up high to put their letters in the mailbox.

Sports festival pic

This week, Rocket was very busy with Sports Festival preparations. We made bugs from pet bottles, colored paper and tape. These will decorate the gym where the festival is performed.

We continued our practice of the race for the sports festival. The kids are getting very fast!

Finally, we made our costumes for the Sports Festival dance. We used colored bags, paper and streamers to create the beautiful outfits!

We also went to the post office to send letters to our grandparents for Respect the Aged Day. We hope grandma and grandpa know how much we love them! (We mentioned making the letters last week but forgot to upload the pictures of the children, so we included those as well!)