ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Gearing Up for Sports Festival (September 4–8)

In Comet Class, we’re preparing for Respect for the Aged Day on September 18 by making a craft project for our grandparents. We used the following photos as part of the project—they turned out pretty cute, eh?

This week we had a special lesson on what animals give us during our UOI lesson. The children tried their best to match which animal products come from which animals. There were many cute ideas, like some children thought that butter is made by bees or that cows make eggs! It will be fun learning about this topic this month! When you are eating dinner as a family, please consider talking to your children about where their food comes from, especially if it involves animal products!

We practiced holding our breath underwater at the pool! Everyone was so brave!

Here are some more photos from this week.

Rocket class is so excited for the approaching Sports Festival! Practice this week had such close races! Dances of both Comet and Rocket are getting better and better! The ball toss game was a close contest, too!

Continuing our UOI about bugs, we continued enjoying coloring while studying the shapes and features of the childrens’ favorite bugs. We turned our recent trip to the bug museum into a poster about it.

For Respect for the Aged Day on September 18th, we made some cute cosmos flower crafts. Here are some pictures showing the process, and some very cute finished results.