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TOP 園だより Summer’s Sweet Sendoff (August 28–September 1)

ISN Preschool Ueda

Comet Class

Rocket Class

Summer’s Sweet Sendoff (August 28–September 1)

Summer’s Sweet Sendoff (August 28–September 1)

Rocket and Comet started the week with a party for the children with August birthdays. They received birthday cards, and then the class was treated to a song and skit by the teachers, Five Little Ducks!

Rocket continued their phonics studies with a new game, Card Elimination! The students could have fun playing the game, recognizing the written words and pictures of the words that were called!

We also all had a terrific practice for Sports Festival at the gym! The teachers and students are working so hard to learn the routine! Their dances are getting great, too!

We also ended the week together with a fun Watermelon Splitting event in order to say goodbye to summer. The Rocket, Comet, and Uedahara Campus children all tried so hard to hit the watermelon with a plastic bat and then we celebrated afterward with our own sweet slice!