ISN Preschool Ueda
Back to the Farm (June 6–10)

Even though the weather continues to get hotter and more rainy, Comet Class is still finding time to be active!

This week during our swimming session, Comet Class practiced jumping into the pool and walking through the water under the watchful stewardship of the caring swimming instructors. The next day, we danced with pom poms and pretended to brush our teeth to the rhythm and beat during our music class. Due to the rainy weather forecast, we held our Wednesday PE class indoors where we practiced our balance and throwing abilities using colorful footbags. To end the week, we once again explored Sunny Camp Field where the students quickly resumed where they left off on their previous trip’s adventures.

As of last week, the students have finished our LOI 2, “Myself and People Around Me” where we have spent the last few weeks learning about one another. To assess the students’ knowledge of their classmates’ names, we played a shape-matching game where students were randomly paired with a different student and had to then state their classmate’s name. Everyone did quite well!
先週の時点で、子どもたちはここ数週間互いのことを学び合ってきたLOI 2、 “自分自身と私の周りの人たち(Myself and people around me)”を終えました。まとめとして、クラスメートの名前に関する知識を確認するため、ランダムにお友だちとペアになり、お互いの名前を言い合うというシェイプマッチングゲームを行いました。みんなとても上手にできました!

We also started LOI 3, “My School Community” In this lesson, the students will learn more about school rules and their teachers and their roles and responsibilities. Our first day included a walking tour of the building and a matching game where students had to pair ISN preschool Ueda staff members with their responsibilities. We hope by the end of LOI 3, Comet Class will have a better understanding that everyone (not just the students) have roles and that by working together, we can learn a lot more and have way more fun!
またLOI 2の終了に伴い、LOI 3”私のスクールコミュニティ(My School Community)”を開始しました。このレッスンでは、スクールのルールや、スタッフについて、またそのスタッフの役割と責任について詳しく学びます。初日はスクール内のツアーと、プレスクール上田のスタッフとその役割を当てるマッチングゲームを行いました。 LOI 3が終わるころコメットクラスのみんなはきっと、自分たちだけでなくすべての人に役割があり、みんなが協力することで、より多くのことを学び楽しむことができることを、深く理解できるようになっていると思います。