ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Keepin’ Cool (July 31-August 4)

We went to splash in the water play area in Nagaike Park.

For our UOI Lesson, we made a zipline (ジップライン) as we talked about sky animals. Everyone colored their favorite bird and we pretended to make them fly on a string.

In Music Class, we have a festival theme and pretended to carry omikoshi (お神輿). For gym class, we went to Kawanishi Gym and practice running.

Other Photos

This week we enjoyed getting further into our Unit of Inquiry. We started a clever craft project, making beehives using paints and bubble wrap! Next week the project will be swarming with cute craft bees!

P.E. this week was a bus ride to the local gymnasium. Our gym teacher always keeps the kids busy and entertained with many stretches, games and activities.

Friday was another trip to one of our favorite destinations, Nagaike Park. The water play there is always a blast, the perfect getaway for a hot day! All the students enjoyed it!

Here are more pics from the week! It was another fun one!