ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Birthday Bugs (July 24–28)

This week, we had a party celebrating our July birthdays. The nursery teachers prepared a funny skit about various bugs going to attend the party and they kids were all smiles.

As part of our UOI lessons about animals, we made jellyfish to make our classroom feel more like an ocean. We had a lot of fun making them.

Here’s some other photos from through out the week.

Rocket class enjoyed the July birthday party, three students getting cards and congratulations. The song and dance by staff was fun to watch, and their costumes were great!

We continued our study of phonics with lowercase j, and also 3-letter words. This week we learned to read the words hen, yen, pen, and ten. We enjoyed reviewing bugs, and did a coloring sheet. Everyone did a good job.

Gym class with Ms. Ayaka was a sunny day at Nagaike Park. We enjoyed a short jog around the park, then played an interesting game with hula hoops! Children played on the jungle gym and rode the slides.

Finally, we always love swimming lessons at the pool! The kids had such a good time! They’re always getting better at swimming!