ISN Preschool Ueda
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes! (May 30–June 3)

Another great week has come and gone with plenty of excitement and adventure!
We were wrapping up LOI2 “Myself and people around me,” and we spent this week learning about each other’s ages and favorite shapes. When it came to discussing age, the students at first were easily confusing the questions “How are you?” with “How old are you?” but after much practice, everyone seems to have a better hang of it! The students were also given the opportunity to choose their favorite shape from a bunch of shapes and later traced an outline on a commemorative worksheet. (Diamond and Heart were clearly the most popular among the students!)
LOI2 “自分自身と私の周りの人たち(Myself and people around me)”も終盤にさしかかり、今週はお互いの年齢や好きな形について学び合いました。年齢については、 “How are you?” と “How old are you?” の質問を、始めは混同していた子どもたちでしたが、何度も練習するうちに、みんな上手に答えられるようになりました。また、たくさんの形の中から自分の好きな形を選んで写真を撮り、後日ワークシートで選んだ形の輪郭をなぞるアクティビィティをました。(ダイヤモンドとハートがとても人気でした!)

Outside of studying UOI, the students were always hard at work having a good time! On Monday during a craft session with Ms. Misuzu, everyone did their best as they improved their hand-eye coordination making a stormy raincloud. On Tuesday, we practiced dancing and playing in sync to the music during music class. On Wednesday, we visited the park for an energetic and thrilling PE class. To wrap up the week, we played freestyle and team-oriented games at a local gymnasium on Friday.
UOIの学び以外でも、子どもたちはいつも一生懸命に楽しい時間を過ごしていました。月曜日の工作(Craft)の時間では、みんな手の動きと目の動きを連動させながら、Ms. Misuzuが考えてくれた嵐のような雨雲を作りました。 火曜日は、音楽のクラス(Music)があり、歌に合わせて踊ったり、楽器を演奏したりしました。水曜日には、公園で体育のクラス(Gym)が行われました。また金曜日には、地元の体育館で思い思いに体を動かしたり、チーム対抗ゲームを行い、1週間を締めくくりました。

We are all looking forward to see what the next week will bring!