ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Wishes for Tanabata (July 3–7)

Comet Class spent the first day of the week decorating our Tanabata bamboo tree with paper decorations and wishes, and we ended the week with a combined Tanabata party with Rocket Class. Together, we ate our afternoon snack, and then we watched a funny play about the story of Tanabata. After, we divided the class into boys and girls and each had to pull a mystery string leading to a mystery friend. In the end, every child was able to find their own Orihime and Hikoboshi.♥

Because it is getting hotter and hotter outside, Comet Class got to try out our new pool! Everyone had so much fun splashing around.

We also ended this week with more water play at a small water play area near our school. Everyone was so happy!

We also started our new UOI theme about animals. Our Central Idea is “People and Animals Caring for Each Other” and our first Line of Inquiry is learning about the names of animals and where they live. In addition to our animal-themed lessons, we learned a new animal dance!
私たちは、動物についての新しいUOI(Unit of Inquiry)テーマも始めました。私たちの中心テーマは「People and Animals Caring for Each Other (人と動物がお互いを大切にする)」ということであり、最初の調査項目は、動物の名前とそれらが生息する場所について学ぶことです。動物をテーマにしたレッスンに加えて、私たちは新しい動物のダンスも習いました!
We also started learning about the letter “F” through reading, writing, and singing. Please listen to the letter “F” song at home if you get a chance!
Rocket also wrote wishes for Tanabata, it was an exciting activity with a beautiful result!

We started a new unit in phonics this week, CVC words with the vowel of E. Here they are making puzzles of today’s words: pet, wet, jet, and net.

We also started a new Unit of Inquiry: bugs! Students could use magnifying glasses to examine picture books, bug toys, and a live mantis! We studied the English names of many bugs and did coloring prints, too!

We also had tons of water play, including a pool at the school and a trip to Nagaike Park on Friday! The kids had a wonderful time splashing around!