ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Soccer Superstars (June 19–23)

This week, a coach from the Artista Soccer Clinic came to help us improve our soccer skills! We are so thankful the coach was willing to come and give Comet Class such a fun experience, and we are grateful that one of our parents referred them to us.

We did our best reading and writing the letter “E” this week. We especially enjoyed singing this “E” song to help us remember how to pronounce the letter “E”.

Our parents got to come spend a few hours with us on two different days during School Observation Day. On the first day, we made a book of our favorite foods so we can sing along to our June Phrase Song, “Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?“. On the second day, we made our July Calendar with the help of our parents. The parents also got to see our music class and gym class.
今週は2日間にわたって参観日があり、保護者の方と数時間一緒に過ごすことができました。最初の日には、お気に入りの食べ物の本を作り、6月のフレーズソング「Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?」を披露しました。2日目には、お母さんお父さんに手伝ってもらいながら、7月のカレンダーを作りました。また、音楽の授業や体育の授業も見ていただくことができました。お忙しい中、ご参加いただき、ありがとうございました!

A new friend also joined our class temporarily. We will try to make as many memories with him before he heads back home!

Check out these other photos from the week.

Rocket Class continued their studies of CVC phonics with their puzzle race! This week combined the previous week’s words (can, fan, pan, man) with newer words (jab, lab, cab).

Swimming class was amazing fun too! Here are the kids posing, splishing and splashing! They got to take a ride on a big foam pad, seven students at a time! They were thrilled!

Thursday was a particularly delicious snack of fruit pudding, with animal cookies, pineapple and tangerine! It was a wonderful treat and all the kids enjoyed it! Mr. Son joined us, too!
木曜日のおやつの時間は、みんなでプリンに動物クッキーやパイナップル、みかんを自分でトッピングして食べました!子供たちはみんなとっても楽しんでいました☆おいしかったね!園長のMr. ソンも一緒に参加してくれました!

Finally, Friday was a visit from a soccer coach of Artista Asama Soccer Clinic! It was great fun and exercise, and the coach was super nice! We enjoyed his many activities!