上田インターナショナルスクール | 語学の翼を羽ばたかせUISから世界への冒険を始めよう! | 未来プロジェクト株式会社 園だより


TOP 園だより “C” and CVCs (June 5–9)

ISN Preschool Ueda

Comet Class

Rocket Class

“C” and CVCs (June 5–9)

“C” and CVCs (June 5–9)


We discovered our new phonics song about the letter “C” this week, and we tried reading and writing the letter C as well.

今週は “C “の文字についての新しいフォニックスソングを発見し、Cの文字の読み書きに挑戦してみました。

For our UOI lesson about our roles at school, we tried to be lunch time detectives by shining our flashlight whenever we spotted something amiss. We hope that everyone will be more organized and careful at lunch time moving forward!

UOIのレッスンでは、スクールでの役割について、何かおかしいな?と思ったら懐中電灯で照らすなど探偵になりきって学びました。 今後はみんなでランチタイムの整理整頓を心がけていきたいです!

We also had a fun time playing in the mud once again!


Comet Class went to the park for a special gym lesson.


We also took a bus trip to the park to end the week as well.



Rocket had a great week! We continued our learning of CVC phonics-based words. Here are some students completing simple puzzles! They raced to complete them, it was exciting!

We enjoyed music class with Ms. Miwa. We brushed our teeth to the rhythm, and took a walk with umbrellas in the rain! The students are always off the wall with excitement during music class!

We also went to Nagaike Park for gym class, and played on the jungle gym! It was a beautiful day and all the kids were thrilled to get some healthy exercise! We always enjoy bus trip adventures!

Here are some more pictures from the week, including yet another bus trip on Friday! It was such a fun week, we’re looking forward to more adventures!