ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Mud Play and Pen Pals (May 22–26)

Comet Class
Comet Class had a lot of fun getting wet and muddy in the front yard this week!

We continued our study of the letter “B” with some fun games, and even practiced writing it.

For LOI 1, myself and others at school, we practiced saying “I like [their favorite toy]” in English and then did an activity where we divided into groups to discover what friends like the same and different toys.
LOI1:「私とスクールの人たち」では英語で「I like(お気に入りのおもちゃ)」と言う練習をし、その後、グループに分かれて、友だちが自分と同じおもちゃを好むか違うおもちゃを好むかを探る活動をしました。

Here’s a couple more photos of us just enjoying ourselves this week:

Rocket class
We received letters from Daigakumae campus and we happily wrote back to our friends there! Some kids drew pictures and some wrote alphabet letters and names. We hope they will enjoy our letters!
先日、大学前キャンパスの2歳児クラスよりお手紙が届きました。可愛い絵がたくさん描いてあり、ロケットクラスのみんなもぜひお手紙の返事を書きたいということで、絵を描いたり、アルファベットを書いたり、思い思いのお手紙を書き、ポストに投函しました。無事に届くといいね☆ 大学前のお友達も喜んでくれるといいですね^^

For UOI lessons, we’ve been inquiring into the topic of “Family.” We talked about our family members and who’s in each others’ family. It was cute that kids even count pets as family members! Also, we enjoyed drawing our family members.

Here are some more photos this week!