ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
Welcome back from Golden Week! (May 8–12)

Comet Class
As part of our exploration and learning in our LOI 1, “Myself and others around me,” we discovered what each of us likes to wear. The children took turns taking dressing up or taking photos of their friends using silly props.

We have had a lot of fun learning about the letter A, including how to write it, recognize it, and saying its sound. We also practiced looking through books to find both an uppercase “A” and a lowercase “a”.

Comet Class worked hard crafting their beloved mothers a special suprise for Mothers’ Day. (“I love you to pieces” is an English expression that means, “I love you very much!”)
コメットクラスは、母の日のために、大好きなお母さんに特別なサプライズをするために、一生懸命にクラフトを作りました。(「I love you to pieces」は、「とても愛しています!」という意味の英語表現です)

Please check out these other photos of us having fun during music class, gym class, and our other adventures.

Rocket Class
We have phonics lessons on Monday and Wednesday. In Rocket class, we are now working on CVC words. It’s still difficult to write the lowercase letters, but everyone tries their best!
月曜日と水曜日にはフォニックスのレッスンがあります。 今、ロケットクラスでは、CVC(子音+母音+子音の単語 cat, hat)の形の音を読む練習をしています。読むと同時に小文字を書く練習も頑張っています。まだ難しいけれど、みんな一生懸命です!
For our UOI lessons this week, we shared our memories from the Golden Week holiday. Everyone brought their photos or drawings on paper of how they spent time during the holiday and with whom. (We really appreciate their parents’ help with this!) We also watched some videos and discussed the topic of families. Everyone has lots of opinions to share! Let’s continue inquiring next week!

Here are some other photos from the week.

In Rocket class, we didn’t make crafts for Mother’s day this time. Instead, we discussed what Mother’s day is and what we can do for our mothers. We all love our moms and will say to them: “Thank you, Mom. I love you!” We will make something special for “Family day” in the near future!
今回ロケットクラスでは、母の日のクラフト作りはせず、「母の日とは?」や「お母さんのために、どんなことができるかな?」ということをみんなで話し合いました。みんな、ママが大好きなので、きっと「いつもありがとう、大好きだよ!」と伝えてくれると思います^^ 近々、”家族の日”というテーマで、クラフトを作りたいと思います。お楽しみに♪