ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class
Rocket Class
The First Month Flew By (April 24–28)

Comet Class and Rocket Class has both been making really good progress with the daily routine and getting used to the flow of the class schedule. We are also very grateful to the parents who came for the Parent-Teacher meetings these last few weeks. It was wonderful getting to know all of you!
Comet ClassとRocket Classの2クラスは、毎日のスクールでのルーティーンや、クラスの流れに慣れつつあり、素晴らしい成長を遂げています。また、この数週間、懇談会に来てくださった保護者の皆様には大変感謝しております。皆さんとお話できてとても嬉しかったです!
Comet Class
This week in Comet, we…
…practiced writing our names.

…danced to music.

…moved and grooved in our music and gym classes.

…and played a lot of games.

There will be no blog post for next week, but we look forward to hearing about all of your exciting adventures when classes start again!
Rocket Class
This week in Rocket Class, we enjoyed gym class and music class a lot! Kids always like to challenge the new things.

We also played at the”Kamihata shrine”. We found a lot of “pill bugs”! Kids were interested in the bugs. At school, we practice how to write names and numbers. We also made our big “Koinobori”. Rocket class loves do some coloring and drawing! We had a lot of fun this week! Enjoy your Golden week!
近くの加美畑神社へ行き、春探しをしました。たくさんのダンゴムシに出会い、手のひらに乗せて、みんな興味津々で、丸まっている様子を観察しました! スクールでは、名前やナンバーを書く練習をしました。文字を書いたり、絵を描くことが大好きなRocketクラスのみんなは、こいのぼり製作でも思い思いの絵を描き、素晴らしい作品が出来上がりました!今週も楽しく過ごすことができました。良いゴールデンウィークをお過ごしください♪