ISN Preschool Ueda
Welcome Back to School! (Opening Ceremony)

We are very excited to start off a brand-new year here at ISN Preschool! We have a lot of fun and learning planned for the upcoming year and are looking forward to getting to know all of our children this year.
Our Opening Ceremony on April 5th was a big success and we are thankful that everyone could attend to welcome in the new school year. In addition to Comet Class (our 3 to 4 year old class), we introduced our new Rocket Class (which has started teaching our 4 to 5 year olds).

This year, Comet Class will be taught by Mr. Jon (from America) and Ms. Megumi (from Kosato Campus). Rocket Class will be taught by Mr. Ryan (also from America) and Ms. Shinobu (from Uedahara Campus).
今年のコメットクラスは、Mr. Jon(アメリカ出身)とMs. Megumi(古里キャンパス出身)が担当します。ロケットクラスは、Mr. Ryan(アメリカ出身)とMs. Shinobu(上田原キャンパス出身)が担当します。