ISN Preschool Ueda
All Aboard! (February 27–March 3)

Comet Class boarded and captained a train this week, a field trip that was definitely in line with our UOI about vehicles. Everyone was so excited! We ended the trip by visiting the Ikushima Tarushima Shrine.
Comet Classは今週、電車に乗り込み、車掌を務めました。この遠足は、乗り物に関するUOIに間違いなく合致していました。みんなとても興奮していました。最後には、生島足島神社を訪れました。

Earlier in the class, the children expressed an interest to learn more about parachutes after watching a parachute deploy from a rocket during last week’s UOI lesson. So this week, we also talked about parachutes and even teamed up with a partner to make a tissue paper parachute of our very own.

Here are more photos from through out the week.