ISN Preschool Ueda
Fire Engine Fun (February 13–17)

As part of our UOI this week, we started to study about how vehicles change over time. Comet Class had a fun time looking at photos of strange, old contraptions and speculating what they ultimately became in the present time.

Also in line with our UOI, we took a step back in time by hopping into the driver seat of some replica fire engines in the custody of the city of Maruko. It was fascinating to also see the transition from the original box-on-wheels-like fire fighting devices that were used in the distant past all the way to semblances of fire engines we know and love today.

Our biggest surprise of the week was that Afternoon Circle and snack times were attended by our wonderful parents for three days in a row. We’re grateful that the parents carved time out of their busy schedules to attend our visitation days. Comet Class loved playing and interacting with our beloved parents!

Here’s a few more photos from through out the week.