ISN Preschool Ueda
Setsubun Celebrations (January 30–February 3)

Comet Class and Uedahara Nursery joined together to freighten off the infamous Oni during our Friday Setsubun celebration. The children also enjoyed singing “Oni no Pantsu,” then watching a special play involving an Oni in search of his tigerskin underpants. Finally, the Oni appeared only to be dispelled by the combined forces of the children hurling newspaper “beans” at him while yelling “Oni ha Soto, Fuku ha Uchi.” All was well at the end when the beautiful “Fuku no Kami” goddess bestowed good luck upon all in attendance. What a fun day!

Leading up to Setsubun, we also had our weekly gym class and a festively Setsubun music class.

Our UOI lesson discussions focused on sky vehicles this week. We also played a “guess-the-vehicle-sound game” and colored our favorite sky vehicles.

Our phrase song for the month of February is “Is This Your Bag?” Please practice together if you have the chance. We will also be focusing on the letters “Y” and “Z.”
今月のフレーズソングは、”Is This Your Bag? “です。機会があればぜひ一緒に歌ってみてください。また、”Y” と “Z” の文字にも注目する予定です。
Here are more photos from through out the week.