ISN Preschool Ueda
Crafting Up a Storm! (January 23–27)

To start the week off, Comet Class designed their own festive Oni masks for the up-coming Setsubun festival!

For our UOI Lessons this week, we discussed water vehicles where we concluded our learning with playing with sponge boats of our own creation. Before setting sail in a sea of bubbles, everyone got to choose their favorite shapes to adorn their masts made of drinking straws.

Even though the weather took a turn for the worse this week, Comet Class seemed unphased as we bundled up and enjoyed a lot of snow play.

Between music class, gym class, and play time, Comet Class had lots of time for fun and games.

The letter of the week was “X,” and we even tried writing the number 7 as well. We’ve continued practicing saying “Yes I can!” and “No I can’t!” using a new song.
今週のアルファベットは「X」、そして数字の「7」も書いてみました。新しい歌を使って、”Yes I can!” と “No I can’t!” を言う練習を続けています。

Midweek, we crowned four of our students in celebration of their January birthdays. We are so happy to have them in our class!

Comet Class learned this week that a little paint and a salad spinner can make pretty neat artwork. Check out these paper hearts we made!