ISN Preschool Ueda
Mochi Masters (January 16–20)

Comet Class got a hands-on experience pounding mochi this week and also got to taste the fruits of their labor afterwards. Everyone had a blast!

For our UOI lesson, we focused on “land vehicles” this week. The students expressed an interest in learning about buses, so we did just that—we boarded a make-believe bus, after “buying” a ticket first. Our bus driver took us to different weather-themed stations (Rainy Station, Windy Station, etc.) where the students were met with various weather-themed games and challenges. Then they all hopped back on the bus and came back to ISN with all smiles.
The next day, we reviewed land vehicle vocabulary words while using comparison adjectives like “big,” and “fast.” We then chose a land vehicle that we colored and placed on the wall.
UOI のレッスンでは、今週は「陸上の乗り物」に焦点を当てました。子どもたちがバスについて学びたいと言ったので、まず切符を買って、バス(模擬)に乗り込みました。バスの運転手が、天候をテーマにしたさまざまな駅(雨の駅、風の駅など)に連れて行ってくれ、そこで子どもたちは天候をテーマにしたさまざまなゲームやチャレンジをしました。そして、またバスに乗り込み、笑顔でISNに帰ってきました。

Comet Class is always happy to get into the pool and these pictures definetly portrait the general mood on our swim days.

Music Class was wonderful as usual with tons of movement and dancing. We especially love our music teacher for all of her preparation and hardwork!

Gym class was filled with plenty of fun challenges.

These week, we practiced counting and writing the letter “W.”
今週は、”W “の字を数える練習と書く練習をしました。