ISN Preschool Ueda
Christmas Show Week (December 19–23)

After months of practice, Comet Class was able to showcase the lines, songs, and dances they’ve been working on at our first ever Christmas Show. The children were delighted to see that many of their parents were in attendance to cheer them on.
For the first item on the program, Comet Class played along to “Deck the Halls” with either castonets or jingle bells. We’re especially grateful to our weekly music teacher for helping Comet Class prepare for their performance!
プログラム最初の項目は、カスタネットとベルを使った「Deck the Halls」の演奏でした。毎週音楽の指導をしてくださっている講師の先生には、パフォーマンスの準備を手伝っていただいたこと、本当に感謝しています。

Next, Comet Class entertained the audience with a musical production of the well-known German fairytale, “The Shoemaker and the Elves.” The featured characters included Pencil Elves, Scissor Elves, Needle Elves, Pretty Girls, and Handsome Gentlemen. The children were met with wild applause at a job well done!
次に、コメットクラスは、ドイツの有名な童話 “靴屋と小人 “をミュージカル仕立てにした劇を披露して、観客を楽しませてくれました。登場人物は、鉛筆の妖精、はさみの妖精、針の妖精、かわいい女の子、そしてハンサムな紳士たちです。その素晴らしいパフォーマンスに、子どもたちは大きな喝采を受けました。

After the intermission, our home room faculty performed the traditional American Christmas carol, “We Three Kings.”
子どもたちの素晴らしい発表の後は、私たちホームルームスタッフが、アメリカの伝統的なクリスマス・キャロル “We Three Kings “を演奏しました。

The event ended with a surprise visit from Santa! Santa gifted the kids some books for the classroom, a Christmas activity set, and a special Christmas ornament straight from Finland. (We would like to give a special thank you to the parents for donating so that Santa could gift the new books for classroom storytime.)

Please take a look at these other photos from through out the week.