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TOP 園だより Comet Class English Practice Songs

ISN Preschool Ueda

Comet Class English Practice Songs

Comet Class English Practice  Songs

By popular request, we have provided a comprehensive list below of the Comet Class phrase and Circle Time songs so that the students can listen at home. Enjoy!


Phrase Songs

Can you help me?…Sure I can! | No I can’t.

Hello, what’s your name? My name is ____. Nice to meet you.

Can I have a ball please?

What’s this? What’s that? This is a ball. That is a bat.

What are you doing? What is she doing? I’m dancing. He’s singing.

Do you have crayons/paper? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

They’re Your Emotions | Sometimes I’m happy.

How old are you?

Can you run? Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Can you swim? Can you skate? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Where is my bag? I can’t find it. Is this your bag? Yes, it’s mine. No, it is not. My bag is blue. (February)

Let’s play soccer. (March)

Morning Circle Songs

ABC Song

Clean Up Song

Please Sit Down

Goodbye Song

Animal Dance song

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink

Number Song (1 to 30)

Months of the Year

Days of the Week

What’s Your Favorite Season?