ISN Preschool Ueda
Daikon and Dressing Up (November 28–December 2)

It wasn’t even December at the start of the week, yet Comet Class did not waste any time putting up their own crafty Christmas tree. We decked the “tree” by gluing on doodads and coloring it like crazy.

This week, we also practiced writing letters, but in a new way: using salt. This unusual new method was a big hit with Comet Class!

We took a class trip to Sunny Camp Field, our favorite farm, where we got to pick our own daikon radishes!

As we prepare for a special Christmas show towards the end of month, we fitted our costumes for the first time this week. The cast of characters include pencil elves, scissor elves, needle elves, pretty girls, and handsome gentlemen.

Check out these other photos from through out the week.