ISN Preschool Ueda
Autumn Ambling (October 17–21)

We got to enjoy some nice weather by going on some nature walks, including an excursion to the historic Ueda Castle Ruins Park where we collected acorns and even got to meet some of the Sanada Jyū Yū Shi!

After our autumn walk at Ueda Castle, the students were delighted to see that our lunch’s potato pancakes were shaped like fall leaves. We are always grateful for the delicious and nutritious meals prepared daily by our kitchen team members who often sneak in little surprises like in this day’s meal.
秋の上田城散策の後、昼食の木の葉焼きが「葉っぱ」の形をしているのを見て、子どもたちは大喜びでした。 この日のような素敵なサプライズを仕掛けてくれる給食の先生方が、毎日作ってくださる美味しくて栄養たっぷりの食事には、いつも感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。

For the UOI lesson this week, we continued our discussion regarding feelings. We looked at some picture books in order to ascertain what the characters were feeling and later we created our own faces from a batch of eyes, nose, and mouths. We also played a few games and sang a few songs about emotions.
今週の UOI の授業では、引き続き感情について話し合いました。絵本を見て、登場人物が何を感じているのかを確かめ、その後、目、鼻、口を組み合わせて自分たちの顔を作りました。また、いくつかのゲームを行い、感情に関する歌を数曲歌いました。

Our Music and PE classes this week kept Comet Class moving and grooving.

Please take a look these other photos from through out the week.