ISN Preschool Ueda
Happy Clay Creations (October 10–14)

This week, we started a brand-new UOI: How We Express Ourselves where we will spend the next several months learning about feelings and communication. We started the week off assessing what the students know so far about feelings by viewing photos of their favorite cartoon characters and having them guess their emotions.
今週から、全く新しい UOI: How We Express Ourselvesが始まり、今後数ヶ月間、感情とコミュニケーションについて学びます。今週はまず、子どもたちが知っている感情について、みんなが好きなアニメのキャラクターの顔を見ながら、どんな感情かを考えることから始めました。
Later in the week, we played a game called “How would you feel if…” where students had to convey how they would feel if a certain situation happened to them, for example, “How would you feel if your mom gave you broccoli ice cream?” After the game, we used modeling clay to make happy, sad, and angry faces. Students were also able to practice their “scissor skills” while waiting for their turn to use the modeling clay.
週の後半には、”How would you feel if… “というゲームを行いました。例えば、『お母さんからブロッコリーのアイスクリームをもらったら、どう感じるか』など、ある状況が自分の身に起きたらどう感じるかを考えるゲームでした。ゲームの後は、粘土を使って、嬉しい顔、悲しい顔、怒った顔などを作りました。また、粘土を使う順番を待つ間は、はさみの練習をすることができました。

Music class was Halloween-themed, much to the student’s delight.

Comet Class also took a bus trip to Sunny Camp Field to explore and play.

Comet Class also got some fresh air in their outdoor gym class.