ISN Preschool Ueda
“O” is for October (October 3–7)

For the Letter of the Week, we focused on the letter “O,” a letter that Comet Class can easily recognize.
今週は、コメットクラスのみんながよく知っている “O”の文字に注目しました。

During our weekly P.E. class, we did our best to complete several fun challenges.

UOI 2: Sharing the Planet came to a close as Comet Class presented their handmade paper plate dioramas. Each student chose their habitat and two animals to include. Wonderful work, Comet Class!
UOI 2: Sharing the Planet が終わりを迎え、コメットクラスは手作りの紙皿ジオラマをみんなの前で発表しました。子どもたちはそれぞれ動物の生息地とそこに住む動物を2つ選び、製作、発表と取り組みました。みんな、すばらしい発表でした!

One of our staff member dazzled Comet Class with an interactive rhythm lesson on the electric keyboard. We will all be hoping for another class in the near future!

We were delighted to celebrate the birthday of yet another one of students. That crown looks great on her, don’t you think so?

Here are a couple more photos from throughout the week.