ISN Preschool Ueda
Delightful Dioramas (September 26–30)

This week, Comet class showed once again that they are making great strides in their confidence in the swimming pool. We have now even become more confident holding our breath underwater!

Comet class was excited to assemble the ingredients during a make-your-own-hotdog dietary education snack time activity.

Our music teacher surprised and delighted us with an acorn-themed class.

Our physical education teacher helped us improve our footwork on several obstacle courses.

As part of the summative assessment for our animal-themed UOI, each student built a paper plate diorama after individually choosing the habitat (i.e., farm or ocean) and animals themselves. Please take a look at their hard work.

Also in line with the UOI, Comet Class went to the park at Ueda Castle to visit some rabbits, peacocks, and chickens. Afterwards, we had a blast in the nearby playground.

Here’s some of our best photos taken this week.