ISN Preschool Ueda
It’s Finally Fall! (September 19–23)

With only three school days sandwiched between two national holidays, it was a shorter week than usual. But there was plenty of fun and learning to be had as we geared up for the fall equinox!

During our music lesson, Comet Class flew around like the little red dragonflies that are now in season. Have you seen any yourself when you are out and about?

During writing practice, we’ve been focusing on writing the letter “M.” The students seem to become more adept at holding their pencils correctly! We are so proud of everyone as they try their best.
ライティングでは、”M”の字を書くことに焦点を置きました。子どもたちは、徐々に鉛筆を正しく持つことができるようになってきました! 一生懸命に頑張るみんなを、私たちはとても誇りに思っています。

We ended the week with an assessment worksheet to finish off the LOI 3 lessons. Students had to match animal with their products, and everyone performed very well as expected!
今週は、LOI 3レッスンの仕上げとして、アセスメントを行いました。子どもたちは動物とそれぞれの製品(それぞれの動物が作り出す製品)をマッチングするワークシートを行いましたが、予想通りみんなとても素晴らしい結果を出してくれました!