ISN Preschool Ueda
Sports Festival (September 12–16)

Our big highlight of the week was our long-anticipated Sports Festival! At the festival, Comet Class prepared to run a race, played a couple rounds of Tamaire, and performed two animal dances. We had a great turnout, and a big thanks to all the parents for joining us.

For our UOI lessons for the week, we focused once again on how animals help us. This week, we learned about sheep and chickens! Comet Class got to practice “sheering” shaving cream-like wool off a sheep using cardboard electrical clippers as well as learned about chickens and where eggs come from.
今週のUOIレッスンでは再び、動物がどのように私たちを助けてくれているかに焦点を当てました。今週は、羊とニワトリについて学びました。コメットクラスは、厚紙の電気バリカンを使って、シェービングクリームを羊の毛に見立てて刈り取る “sheering “の練習をし、またニワトリについてと、卵がどこから来るかについて学びました。

The students worked hard this week on several craft projects: a felt flower coaster project for Respect for the Aged Day, as well as started a Cosmos flower project in celebration of fall.

Please take a look at these other photos to see what Comet Class has been up to this week.