ISN Preschool Ueda
Service Dog Special (September 5–9)

In Comet Class, we had some of our most exciting UOI lessons yet as we learned about how animals help us. We first learned about cows, where milk comes from, and we even got to practice milking a cardboard cow!
コメットクラスでは、動物がどのように私たちを助けてくれるのかという、今までで最も盛り上がった UOI の授業が行われました。まず牛について学び、牛乳はどこから来るのか、そして段ボールの牛で乳搾りの練習をしました。

We also had special guests from Civic Action Group Dairabi that came to teach Comet Class about seeing eye dogs and how they help people experiencing blindness. Comet Class was very excited and engaged in the presentation! We are truly grateful for the volunteers who made time out of their day to teach our students about this important topic.
To help us better empathize with those with difficult seeing impairments, the day before we also played a blindfold game to help the students prepare for the event.

This week in the pool, Comet Class was able to bravely hold our breath underwater. The growth of the students is quite apparent when compared to when we just started!

Please check out these other photos from our activities through out this week.