ISN Preschool Ueda
Comet Class Creates a Cake (August 29-September 2)

After what feels like a long hiatus, we found our way back to the swimming pool. Comet Class is definitely becoming much less timid during their splash time!

During a wet and soggy day, we sang a song about dragonflies and made a flurry of the little critters out of wooden crafting sticks in anticipation of the ever-approaching fall.

Comet Class had an enjoyable time shaping themselves like letters of the alphabet and having their classmates guess the letter.

In music class, Mr. Jon joined our music teacher in a handpan-keyboard duet playing the well-known song “Furusato.”
音楽のクラスでは、Mr. Jonと音楽の先生が一緒に、ハンドパンとキーボードの二重奏で、有名な曲である 『ふるさと』を演奏してくれました。

Our UOI lessons will focus on how animals help humans in the coming weeks. This week specifically, Comet Class was tasked to make a cake by collecting ingredients such as honey, butter, milk, and eggs from the correct living things.
UOI のレッスンでは、今後数週間にわたり、『動物がどのように人間を助けているか』ということに焦点を当てます。今週は、ハチミツ、バター、ミルク、卵などの材料を正しい生き物から集めてケーキを作るという課題に挑戦しました。